你也得了: 自私跑者症後群嗎? Selfish Runner's syndrome

發表於 2018/05/01 727 次點閱 0 人收藏 0 人給讚


跑步的聖經之一: Dr. Tim Noakes, Lore of Running ( 900+ 頁) 好厚一本啊!!!在345 頁提到了一個很有意思的問題. 翻成白話中文, 就是熱中跑步可能把你變成一個自私的混蛋

我自己舉手... 我就是........


1.  每年都設定最少一場" 目標賽", 那種你知道就是老婆生病也要去比的那種比賽

2.  你認為比賽一週前, 不作家事是應該被體諒的

3.  週末就是要來訓練來用的啊

4.  一年有10個月對你而言是訓練期, 訓練期家人當然應該要配合

5.  你喜歡和家人談跑步的新聞和趣事, 即使没人想聽

如果你的回答超過一個是, 恭喜您, 您是個Serious runner, 但是您大概也得了Selfish Runner's Syndrome


Limit serious running to every second year and then to only a few months of that year

If you work in an office, run to and from work if at all possible. Alternatively, run in the early morning or during the lunch hour or both

Don't allow running to affect the way you carry out your household responsibilities. Doing so provides your family with a tangible reminder that they comesecond

Be aware of "danger times"-you will know what these are in your household.At these times, be at your most attentive and, at all costs, discuss running, or, worst of all, go out for a run. Weekends too must be handled carefully to ensure that running conflicts as little as possible with the family's weekend recreation

Don't get overtired. As a runner with a family you just have to accept that, for the sake of your family, you simply can't train hard enough to run your best.That is the price that must, quite realistically, be paid


heir behavior is at best anti-social, at worst utterly selfish. . . . It can create an atmosphere that does nobody any good, and certainly not the runner." (page 13) Carroll's analysis does not, of course, apply to all runners. But the Selfish Runner's Syndrome is an ever-present danger that needs to be avoided. The problem of the Selfish Runner's Syndrome is perhaps more acute for those runners who have family commitments and who lack the champion's talent. To put racing as the sole reason for living is inappropriate and ultimately detrimental to family life. The joy of running should be that it adds to, rather than detracts from, the runner's life.


Photo: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/353603008228483474/






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